The KAMMCO policy renewal process begins in September, and our members may notice a few changes this year.

1. Policy Renewal via Email
This year, policy renewal communications will be conducted via email. This allows for a quicker and more efficient renewal process. Members will receive both policy documents and premium invoices via email. Unless you have specifically requested paper communication, check your email in September for your renewal instructions.
Policy renewals will be processed in the order in which they are received. The earlier you return your fully completed information, the earlier you will receive your policy documents. We anticipate the actual quoting of policies to begin in October.
2. Supplemental Telemedicine Questionnaire
New questions regarding telemedicine appear on our applications this year. For example, the individual healthcare provider renewal application now contains a question that asks providers if they practice telemedicine. Based on the provider’s response, they may be directed to complete a supplemental telemedicine questionnaire. This supplemental data is for KAMMCO internal use only and is requested due to the many changes to the healthcare environment in 2020 as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.
3. KAMMCO Election of Payment Form
KAMMCO references new payment options pending approval by the Kansas and Missouri Insurance Departments in a separate Vital Sounds Article: New KAMMCO Payment Options. The KAMMCO Election of Payment Form is required by all members to communicate their choice of payment option for the upcoming renewal year. This information is needed prior to renewing your policy to ensure proper credits (pending Insurance Department approval) are applied.
4. Auto-Renewal
We received several requests over the last few years to consider implementing an auto-renewal option for our liability policies. In response, we are happy to announce that this year KAMMCO will be conducting a pilot study to evaluate an auto-renewal program!
In September, all KAMMCO members will receive via email information regarding the auto-renewal pilot program. Any member whose practice has experienced changes in the last year will need to communicate those changes to the KAMMCO Underwriting department before September 30.
For the auto-renewal pilot study, we divided our membership into the two groups below:
Group 1: Renewal Application Group
Members of this group will receive the following via email:
- 2021 Policy Renewal Application
- Telemedicine Supplemental Questionnaire
- Cyber Renewal Application (if Cyber higher limit coverage has been elected)
- Premium Finance Information
- KAMMCO Election of Payment Form
All applicable information for your policy should be completed in full and returned to KAMMCO as soon as possible. Members who use brokers will receive this information through their agent.
Group 2: Auto Renewal Group
Members of this group will not receive a 2021 policy renewal application. Rather they can expect to receive the following via email:
- Telemedicine Supplemental Questionnaire
- Cyber Renewal Application (if Cyber higher limit coverage has been elected)
- Premium Finance Information
- KAMMCO Election of Payment Form.
In the event that over the last year 1) a member of this group experienced a change to their practice or 2) a group policy has individual risks to be added or removed from the policy, communication changes should be shared via email with the Underwriting department via email at:
If by September 30, the underwriting staff has not received an email from you identifying changes to your practice over the last year, they will renew your policy with the information currently on file for your policy. Similarly, if by September 30, the underwriting staff has not received your KAMMCO Election of Payment form, they will assume you are electing to pay your premium annually as in the past.
Members who use brokers will receive this information through their agent.