Incident Response Plan Series – Part 2 of 4
Published on May 19, 2020

Incident Response Plan Series – Part 2 of 4
Published on May 19, 2020
Special Resources – Resuming Elective Surgeries and Procedures
Important Note: Orders, regulations, and guidelines from state and local public health agencies may be issued within the next few days on procedures to be used in resuming elective surgeries and procedures. Our insureds should pay close attention to what local agencies may issue and comply accordingly.
Postponing Care for non-COVID-19 Patients
During the COVID-19 crisis and the surge of critical care patients, providers are also tasked with managing the care and maintenance of their non-COVID-19 population. Providers must still evaluate their current patients’ medical conditions and new symptoms that could result in possible missed diagnosis or delay of treatment unrelated to...
Healthcare Leadership in the Time of the Novel Coronavirus
Now more than ever, clinicians are working harder than before. Healthcare leaders should all aspire to follow clear strategies to help sustain the overall well-being of clinicians amidst the COVID-19 crisis. Here are a few strategies to consider when creating an infrastructure that supports physicians, nurses, care team members, and...
Tips from the Trenches – Claims Update
The modified comparative fault rule in Kansas is an advantage to healthcare providers. The key to the successful use of this defense is to document recommendations and instructions provided to patients. KAMMCO will leverage all defenses provided by Kansas law as we continue to seek judicial and legislative clarification of...
2020 Top 10 Health Technology Hazards Report
Each year the ECRI Institute’s Health Devices Group identifies ten potential sources of danger they believe warrant the greatest attention for the coming year.
Incident Response Plan Series – Part 2 of 4
For organizations that have their all-star team in place to respond to cyber or privacy security incidents, the next step is to develop the “how” by identifying what actions need to be taken in response to an incident. In the following, we will review what it takes to bring together...
KHC Hires Executive Director
The Kansas Healthcare Collaborative (KHC) Board of Directors has selected Allison Peterson DeGroff as the organization’s Executive Director effective March 20. For the last year, Ms. DeGroff has served as...
Health Quality Innovation Network Recruiting Now
Improving healthcare quality is a complex task that requires the involvement of many stakeholders. The Kansas Healthcare Collaborative (KHC) is working in partnership with the Health Quality Innovation Network (HQIN), the new CMS Quality Improvement Organization (QIO) for Kansas.
Spring Education Videos Available Now
This year’s KAMMCO Spring Education Webinar Series is available now online. These four presentations contain timely and relevant information on EHR documentation, cybersecurity threats, identifying suspected child abuse, and the pitfalls of blaming others for medical mistakes.