Vital Sounds 2022, Quarter 2
Published on May 23, 2022

Vital Sounds 2022, Quarter 2
Published on May 23, 2022
ECRI Top 10 Patient Safety Concerns of 2022
Each year ECRI identifies ten potential patient safety concerns to support organizations in their efforts to identify and respond to threats to patient safety proactively. ECRI and KAMMCO encourage facilities and organizations to use this list to help formulate their risk mitigation strategies.
Patients Who Leave Against Medical Advice
In a healthcare setting, patients sometimes decide to self-discharge or leave against medical advice (AMA). When a patient requests to leave AMA, you should take some crucial steps before their departure.
Q&A: Category III Education on Opioids
Question: The Kansas Board of Healing Arts is now requiring one hour of “Category III” continuing education on the topic of opioids. Does KAMMCO offer any education that would help me meet this criterion?
Q&A: APRN Insurance Coverage Under New Legislation
Question: Does the Senate Substitute for House Bill No. 2279 require APRNs to purchase an individual insurance policy, or will they still be allowed to be covered under an employer’s additional insured coverage limit?
Claims Perspective: Documentation (Write or Wrong?)
There is no substitute for a detailed medical record. It can refresh a provider’s memory of a patient’s history, physical findings, interactions with the patient, and the thought processes behind care decisions.
SAVE THE DATE, 2022 Loss Prevention Program
KAMMCO is excited to announce that our insured members can again attend our annual Loss Prevention Program live and in-person this year. In addition, KAMMCO will present the program via webinar and via an online course.
Last Chance for Spring Education
The last chance to attend one of our 2022 spring education webinars is on Wednesday, May 25 from noon to 1 p.m. Register today to catch the webinar live.