Yolanda Sims, JD, MHA

In today’s environment, scammers are looking for any opportunity to advance their fraudulent schemes, and licensed medical professionals are not exempt. If you learn your Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) license number has been compromised or used to divert controlled substances, here are a few recommendations to follow.
Please note that recommendations are not one-size-fits-all. The advice you need will depend on the circumstances surrounding the fraudulent activity. For instance, if the activity involves a licensed medical employee instead of a patient, you may need to contact a licensure agency such as the Kansas Board of Nursing or the Kansas Board of Pharmacy.
What to do if Your DEA Number is Compromised
Notify Your Local DEA Office
DEA registrants are required to notify the DEA and local law enforcement of the theft or loss of controlled substances, including a compromised DEA registration number used to divert controlled substances. Registrants must report within twenty-four (24) hours of discovery. DEA registrants are required to submit DEA Form 106 to report the theft or loss of controlled substances. The DEA has created an online Theft Loss Reporting System that provides registrants the capability to electronically submit DEA Form 106. You can complete and submit DEA Form 106 here.
File a Report with Local Law Enforcement
Filing a report may not result in an immediate investigation, but it serves as documentation that you notified the proper authorities. In addition, if you believe your identity has been stolen, you can find out more information about reporting identity theft on the Federal Trade Commission’s website.
Notify the Kansas Board of Healing Arts
Any matter that could potentially impact your ability to practice medicine should be brought to their attention immediately.
Use K-TRACS to Monitor the Use of Your DEA Number
The Kansas prescription drug monitoring program is essentially a database that facilitates the sharing of health information related to controlled substance prescriptions. Periodically looking up your DEA number in the K-TRACS system is an easy way to check if someone is using your DEA number to access controlled substances.
Notify the Local Pharmacy
Pharmacy staff are trained on proper controls that identify forged, altered, or counterfeit prescriptions. Communication and cooperation with pharmacy staff can help prevent your practice from becoming a source for prescription drug diversion. If you suspect the fraudulent activity is widespread, consider contacting all pharmacies within a five-mile radius.
Utilize Electronic Prescribing
Electronic prescribing will help make certain DEA numbers remain safe and private while still allowing clinicians to issue prescriptions efficiently.