Vital Sounds 2021, Quarter 3
Published on August 30, 2021

Vital Sounds 2021, Quarter 3
Published on August 30, 2021
Important KAMMCO Renewals Update & Agent Communication
KAMMCO 2022 Policy Renewals Your renewal information will be sent out electronically via email in mid to late September. Please make sure KAMMCO has an updated email address for you. For group or facility policies, please verify your Group Administrator or Business Manager contact is updated as well. Please send…
Loss Prevention Ends Soon | Don’t Miss Out on 2022 Premium Credit
KAMMCO’s annual Loss Prevention Program is already underway. Members have two more opportunities to participate in the Loss Prevention webinar: If members aren’t available to attend the webinar, they may take the Loss Prevention course on Med-IQ by the end of the day on September 30, 2021. This year’s program is entitled…
Countdown to 2% Premium Credit
Fall is a busy time of the year, and the September 30 deadline for Med-IQ course completion is approaching fast. Avoid those reminder phone calls from your practice administrator or medical staff administration office by logging on to the KAMMCO Med-IQ Online Learning Center and completing one CME course today….
New Coverage Option: License Defense Higher Limits Coverage
KAMMCO is pleased to announce that beginning January 1, 2022, we’re offering Higher Limits for License Defense Costs coverage in Kansas.* All Policies Have Basic Embedded Coverage KAMMCO currently offers embedded license defense coverage at no additional cost to our members. As a member, if a licensure matter is initiated…
New KSBOHA CME Requirement Prompts Additions to Med-IQ Curriculum
Connie Christian, MBA, CPHRM A new CME requirement by the Kansas State Board of Healing Arts (Board) has prompted KAMMCO to add new online learning courses to the 2022 Med-IQ curriculum. KS Board of Healing Arts Requirement The new CME requirement, K.A.R. 100-15-4 (d), is required for licensure. To allow…
What to do if Your DEA Number is Stolen or Compromised
Yolanda Sims, JD, MHA In today’s environment, scammers are looking for any opportunity to advance their fraudulent schemes, and licensed medical professionals are not exempt. If you learn your Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) license number has been compromised or used to divert controlled substances, here are a few recommendations to…
Risk Management Q&A: Are you Required to Comply with OSHA’s COVID-19 EMT?
Connie Christian, MBA, CPHRM Question Our practice has less than 10 employees. Are we still required to comply with the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) COVID-19 Emergency Temporary Standard (ETS)? Response According to the ETS, a workplace setting is where any employee provides health care services or health care…
Tips from the Trenches: Claims Update
Specialty: Orthopedic Surgeon and Hospitalist. This real-life case highlights why it's vital to appropriately document—and communicate to the patient—what medications to start and stop following discharge from inpatient care.
The Real Cost of Boarding Psychiatric Patients in the Emergency Department: Improving Psychiatric Patient Outcomes
Emergency department overcrowding and boarding affect nearly all hospital systems in the U.S. Find out what risks are associated with boarding psychiatric patients and what hospitals can do to improve outcomes.