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KAMMCO Spring Education Series Presents Four New Webinars

Published on May 1, 2022

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KAMMCO Spring Education Series Presents Four New Webinars

Published on May 1, 2022

ECRI Releases 2019 Top 10 Health Technology Hazards Report

Connie Christian, MBA, CPHRM,KAMMCO Facility Risk Management and Patient Safety Advisor Each year the ECRI Institute’s Health Devices Group identifies 10 potential sources or dangers they believe warrant the greatest attention for the coming year. The safe use of health technology from simple devices to complex systems requires identification and…

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Patient Initiated Termination

Yolanda Sims, JD, MHAKAMMCO Loss Prevention and Risk Management Advisor Q: Without warning, a patient called the office and informed staff she will no longer seek medical care from any provider in our practice. We are unsure if she has established care elsewhere. Can a patient terminate the physician-patient relationship…

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The Emotional Toll of the Medical Malpractice Claim

By Donna Keil, RN, BSNKAMMCO Medical Liability Analyst/Medical Records Manager One out of every three physicians will have the misfortune of being named in a medical malpractice claim and nearly one out of every two physicians aged 55 years or older will eventually be named in a medical malpractice claim….

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New e-Learning Specialty Courses Now Available Through Med-IQ

KAMMCO continues to provide timely risk management programs for its insured physicians, hospital administrators, risk managers, and many others involved in the delivery of quality healthcare. In partnership with Med-IQ’s Online Risk and Patient Safety Education Program, KAMMCO offers several new online e-Learning courses for 2019. The new course content…

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Summit on Quality Scheduled for May 10

Save the date! The 11th annual Summit on Quality is scheduled for May 10 at the Hyatt Regency in Wichita. Make plans now to join the Kansas Healthcare Collaborative and the Kansas Foundation for Medical Care to celebrate quality improvement success and prepare for the next phase of healthcare transformation….

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